Vue CLI Installation

Install Inkline using the official Vue CLI plugin and get Inkline automatically set up for you.


After you've created a Vue CLI Project, install Inkline using the following command:

vue add @inkline/inkline --customizable

The command above uses the Vue CLI, if you don't have it installed globally, you can install it using npm install -g @vue/cli.

If you're not planning to change Sass variables or take advantage of tree shaking, you can leave out the --customizable flag to use the bundled files.


By running the command above, you have added Inkline to your Vue CLI project. Here's what happened behind the scenes:

  • @inkline/inkline and its dependencies have been added to your package.json file:
    "dependencies": {
        "@inkline/inkline": "^2.0.0"
    "devDependencies": {
        "node-sass": "<5.0.0",
        "sass-loader": "<11.0.0"
  • @inkline/inkline plugin, components, and stylesheet have been imported and integrated in your src/main.js:
import Vue from 'vue';
import { Inkline } from '@inkline/inkline/src';
import * as components from '@inkline/inkline/src/components';
import '@inkline/inkline/src/inkline.scss';

Vue.use(Inkline, { components });
  • @inkline/inkline has been added to transpileDependencies inside of your vue.config.js file. If you don't have a vue.config.js file, it has been created automatically:
module.exports = {
    transpileDependencies: ["@inkline/inkline"]

Plugin Options

Optionally, you can configure your Plugin Options by changing the config field in our src/main.js integration.

Vue.use(Inkline, {
    config: {
        variant: 'light',
        validation: {
            validateOn: ['input']      


Customizing Inkline is very straightforward. First, install a utility plugin to easily import our variables file:

npm install --save-dev style-resources-loader vue-cli-plugin-style-resources-loader

Next, create a variables.scss file inside of your src/assets folder. The important part is to make sure our variables.scss file gets included before every Sass file that Inkline provides.

// src/assets/variables.scss

$color-primary: #178bb2;
$color-secondary: #5d65b9;

Last but not least, add the following to the pluginOptions field in your vue.config.js:

const path = require('path');

module.exports = {
    // ... The rest of the configuration 
    transpileDependencies: ["@inkline/inkline"],
    pluginOptions: {
        'style-resources-loader': {
            'preProcessor': 'scss',
            'patterns': [
                path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/css/inkline/config/index.scss'),
                path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/assets/variables.scss'),

Don't forget to restart your application if it is already running.


Tree Shaking

Tree shaking means eliminating code that isn’t actually being used from the final bundle. To take advantage of tree shaking, you can import Inkline's components individually from the source files:

import Vue from 'vue';
import '@inkline/inkline/src/inkline.scss';
import { Inkline } from '@inkline/inkline/src';
import { IButton, IForm, IInput } from '@inkline/inkline/src/components';

Vue.use(Inkline, {
    components: {