Button Group

Group multiple buttons together on a single line using a button group.


You can group a series of <i-button> components inside a <i-button-group> to display them inline, conveying additional meaning.

Button Group Example


You're able to use the size modifier to control the size of your buttons, using one of the available sizes: sm, md, and lg. The default size is set to md.

Button Group Sizes


When placing a <i-button-group> inside another <i-button-group>, you'll get a mixed series of buttons.

Button Group Nesting


Using the vertical property, you can stack a set of buttons vertically rather than horizontally.

Vertical Button Group

Vertical Sizes

Just like horizontal button groups, the size of vertical button groups can also be controlled using the size modifier. The default size is set to md.

Vertical Button Group Sizes


You can create block button groups that span the full width of a parent by adding the block property.

Block Button Group

Vertical Block

Just like horizontal block button groups, you can also set vertical button groups to span full width of its parent by adding the block property.

Block Button Group

Nested Block

You can also nest block button groups.

Block Button Group

Component API

Here you can find a list of the various customization options you can use for the button group component as props, as well as available slots.

Button Group API

Sass Variables

Here you can find a list of the Sass variables you can use for the button group components. If you're looking to find common variables that these rely on, you should take a look at the Sass Variables page.
